Better Vim provides the flexibility to override the default configurations or add new ones by utilizing the hooks.before_setup and hooks.after_setup functions. These functions allow you to modify various aspects of Better Vim’s behavior before and after the setup process.


The hooks.before_setup function is called before the Better Vim setup process begins. It serves as a hook where you can make modifications or override default configurations. Here’s an example of how to use hooks.before_setup:

return {
  hooks = {
    before_setup = function()
      -- Do something before Better Vim starts its setup process

The hooks.before_setup function is not that useful, but it is there if you need it.


The hooks.after_setup function is called after the Better Vim setup process has completed. It provides an opportunity to further customize or extend Better Vim’s functionality. Here’s an example of how to use hooks.after_setup:

return {
  hooks = {
    after_setup = function()
      -- Perform additional configuration or add new functionality here

Within the hooks.after_setup function, you can add additional configurations, keybindings, or any other customization that you desire.

This allows you to enhance the default Better Vim setup with your own preferences or extend it with additional features.


Let’s take a look at a few examples to illustrate how you can utilize hooks to override defaults or add new configurations:

1. Add custom keybinding

return {
  hooks = {
    after_setup = function()
      vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Leader>l', ':set number!<CR>', { silent = true })

This example adds a custom keybinding using vim.api.nvim_set_keymap within hooks.after_setup. The keybinding toggles line numbers when <Leader>l is pressed in normal mode.

2. Load additional configuration file

return {
  hooks = {
    after_setup = function()
      require "better-vim.my_custom_config"

In this example, an additional configuration file named my_custom_config.lua is loaded using require within hooks.after_setup.

This allows you to separate your custom configurations into separate files for better organization and load them only after all the Better Vim setup is done.