The flags option is used to toggle features on the config. Let’s see an example of how to use the flags option to disable the Better Vim tabs feature: Open your Better Vim config and add the flags option:

return {
  flags = {
    disable_tabs = true

Reopen your neovim and you’ll notice that there are no tabs on the top.

Available flags


Disable the tabs feature.

  • Options: true and false
  • Default: false


Auto format the code on save if the LSP has this feature.

  • Options: true and false
  • Default: false


Disable theme auto loading. Use this flag if you want to setup your theme manually without setting colorscheme and loading themes automatically.

  • Options: true and false
  • Default: false


Use typescript-tools as LSP instead of tsserver from mason-lspconfig. This feature is experimental, but you can enable/disable it any time. To create your own custom on_attach function, you can keep using lsps.tsserver, as shown in Installing LSPs section.

  • Options: true and false
  • Default: false