Installing New Language Servers (LSPs) with Mason

Better Vim provides seamless integration with various Language Servers (LSPs) through the use of Mason. Mason simplifies the setup and configuration of LSPs within Better Vim, allowing you to enhance your coding experience with specific language features and intelligent code suggestions.

To install a new LSP using Mason, follow these steps:

  • Open the better-vim.lua file located in your Better Vim configuration directory.
  • Locate the lsps entry within the configuration file. If it doesn’t exist, you can create it as an empty table using the following format:
return {
   lsps = {},
  • Inside the lsps table, add a new entry for the desired language server. The key should be a unique identifier for the LSP, and the value should be an empty table. This table is used to configure the specific settings and on_attach function for the LSP through lspconfig. For example, to install the prismals language server, your configuration would look like this:
return {
   lsps = {
     prismals = {}, -- Configuration settings for "prismals" LSP

You can find all available LSPs using the command :Mason and doing a Ctrl + F to find the language server you want to install.

  • Customize the configuration settings for the LSP within its respective table. You can refer to the documentation of the specific LSP or lspconfig for the available options and their meanings.

To add settings or customize the on_attach function, see the example below:

return {
  lsps = {
    tsserver = {
      settings = {
        -- tsserver settings live here. If you don't have settings, you don't need
        -- to add this section.
      on_attach = function(client, bufnr)
        require "twoslash-queries".on_attach(client, bufnr)
  • Save the better-vim.lua file.

  • Restart Better Vim or reload the configuration to apply the changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed a new Language Server using Mason. Better Vim will now utilize the features provided by the LSP to enhance your coding workflow.

Installing New Formatters with null-ls

null-ls is a plugin integrated with Better Vim that enables you to format your code using various formatters. By leveraging null-ls, you can maintain consistent code formatting and adhere to coding style guidelines across different programming languages.

To install a new formatter using null-ls, follow these steps:

  • Open the better-vim.lua file located in your Better Vim configuration directory.

  • Locate the formatters entry within the configuration file. If it doesn’t exist, you can create it as an empty table using the following format:

return {
   formatters = {},
  • Inside the formatters table, add a new entry for the desired formatter. The key should be a unique identifier for the formatter, and the value should be an empty table. This table is passed to the with method when configuring formatting sources for null-ls. For example, to install the blade_formatter formatter, your configuration would look like this:
return {
   formatters = {
     blade_formatter = {} -- Configuration for "blade_formatter" formatter

You can find all formatters for null-ls following this page on the documetation. Just put the name of the formatter, you don’t need the part null_ls.builtins.formatting

  • Customize the configuration settings for the formatter within its respective table. The available options and their meanings may vary depending on the formatter you are using. Refer to the documentation of the specific formatter for more information on the available options.

  • Save the better-vim.lua file.

  • Restart Better Vim or reload the configuration to apply the changes.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed a new formatter using null-ls. Better Vim will now utilize the formatter to format your code according to the specified configuration, helping you maintain consistent and well-formatted code.